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Discover The Power of Finding Your “Why”


Discover The Power of Finding Your “Why”

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Bob Here —

I want to dive into something today that’s been a game-changer for me and countless others: finding your “why.” This might sound a bit philosophical, but trust me, it’s got some serious practical punch.

The Importance of “Why”

Years ago, I used to meet a lot of people at my seminars who were stuck in a rut. They had great goals but couldn’t seem to reach them. The question I heard most often was, “How can I stay motivated?” It’s a tough one, right? We all know what we should do to reach our goals—whether it’s losing weight, getting a promotion, or running a marathon. The “how” is usually pretty clear. But what trips us up is the “why.”

The Heart of the Matter

Let me give you a little story. Imagine you want to get in better shape. You know the drill: eat better, exercise more. Easy to say, hard to stick to. Why? Because the reason behind it isn’t strong enough. Maybe you want to look good for a beach vacation—hey, vanity is as good a reason as any! Or maybe, like someone I once met, you want to lose weight to lower your risk of heart disease. That’s a powerful why. When you find a reason that hits you in the gut, it becomes a lot easier to push through the tough times.

My Own Journey

For me, my “why” has always been about pushing my limits and proving to myself that I can do it. Take my recovery story, for instance. Post-surgery, the easy thing would have been to rest and recover slowly. But my why—getting back on that mat and competing in the Olympics—was stronger than the pain. That’s what got me out of bed every morning, despite the discomfort.

Finding Your Why

Here’s the kicker: finding your why isn’t a one-time thing. Life keeps throwing curveballs, and our goals evolve. So, we need to constantly re-evaluate what we want and why it matters to us. This process can be uncomfortable, but that’s where the growth happens. Being honest with ourselves about our motivations might lead us to change course, and that’s okay. It’s all part of getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

Steps to Find Your Why

Let’s break it down into some actionable steps:

1. Self-Reflection: Spend some time thinking about what you truly want to achieve and why it matters to you.

2. Ask the Tough Questions: Why is this goal important? How will it impact your life? What will it feel like to achieve it?

3. Write It Down: There’s something powerful about putting your thoughts on paper. Write down your why and keep it where you can see it.

4. Revisit Regularly: Life changes, and so do our motivations. Make it a habit to check in with yourself and adjust your why as needed.

5. Share Your Why: Tell someone you trust about your why. They can help keep you accountable and remind you of it when times get tough.


Finding your why is like having a secret weapon in your arsenal. It’s the thing that keeps you going when the going gets tough. It’s what pushes you to get up, keep moving, and stay motivated. So, take the time to find your why, and let it drive you toward your goals.

Remember, folks, getting comfortable being uncomfortable is all about embracing the journey and finding strength in your reasons. Stay strong, keep pushing, and never forget why you started.

Catch you next time,


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