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Discovering The Magic of Mentorship


Discovering The Magic of Mentorship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hey there!

I want to talk about something that’s near and dear to my heart: the magic of mentorship. Having the right mentor can be a game-changer, and I’ve got a story to share that illustrates just how powerful it can be.

A Mentor’s Impact

Let’s rewind to a time when I was gearing up for the biggest challenge of my life—the Olympics. I had a lot on my plate and things were looking pretty grim after a severe back injury that required surgery. Just when I was about to lose hope, my mentor, Gene Kiniski, stepped in. Gene was more than just a coach; he was a beacon of strength and wisdom.

He constantly reminded me that the road to success is never a straight path. “Every setback,” he would say, “is just a setup for a stronger comeback.” His words resonated with me, giving me the motivation to push through the pain and focus on the ultimate goal. His belief in my potential was the spark that kept my Olympic dreams alive.

Gene’s Mantra: “You Are Not Average”

Gene had this way of making you believe you could conquer the world. His mantra, “You are not average,” wasn’t just words—it was a mindset. He drilled it into me every day, convincing me that athletes like us recover faster and push harder than anyone else. His belief in me was contagious. It was Gene’s unwavering faith that pulled me through the toughest days of my recovery.

The Power of Encouragement

Gene didn’t just tell me what to do; he showed me how to do it with unwavering support. He visited me every day, lifted my spirits, and reminded me of my potential. His encouragement wasn’t just about physical recovery but mental strength as well. He pushed me to see beyond the pain and focus on the goal.

This kind of support is what we all need—a mentor who sees our potential even when we can’t.

Finding Your Mentor

So, how do you find a mentor who can guide you through your own challenges? Here are a few tips:

1. Look for Experience: Seek out someone who has walked the path you’re on. Their experience is invaluable.

2. Shared Values: Find a mentor whose values align with yours. It’s important that they believe in what you’re striving for.

3. Accessibility: Choose someone who is approachable and willing to invest time in your growth.

4. Mutual Respect: Respect is a two-way street. Make sure you value their time and advice, and that they respect your efforts and goals.

5. Ask for Guidance: Don’t be afraid to reach out. Many potential mentors are happy to share their knowledge if you show genuine interest and commitment.

The Ripple Effect

Mentorship doesn’t just benefit the mentee; it’s a two-way street. Gene found fulfilment in seeing me succeed, and I gained invaluable wisdom and strength from his guidance. This ripple effect creates a powerful cycle of growth and achievement.

Paying It Forward

One of the greatest honors I’ve had is mentoring others. Seeing someone I’ve guided achieve their goals is incredibly rewarding. It’s a reminder that we’re all part of a bigger picture. So, once you’ve benefited from mentorship, consider paying it forward. Be that beacon of strength for someone else.

Remember, “Mentors are like lighthouses—they don’t make the journey shorter, but they sure do show the way!”


Mentorship is magical because it bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to be. It’s about finding someone who believes in our potential and pushes us to achieve greatness. Whether you’re seeking a mentor or ready to become one, remember that the journey of growth is a shared experience.

Stay strong, stay connected, and keep striving for greatness.


Bob Molle

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