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About us

At GCBU, we empower individuals and organizations to embrace discomfort and unlock their full potential. Through dynamic coaching, inspiring speaking engagements, and transformative workshops, we guide you on a journey to growth and success.


About GCBU

GCBU (Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable) is dedicated to helping individuals and teams achieve excellence by stepping outside their comfort zones. Founded by Bob Molle, an Olympic medalist and championship-winning athlete, GCBU offers a range of services including motivational speaking, personalized coaching, and dynamic workshops designed to inspire and transform.

Services We Offer

Motivational Speaking

Inspiring keynote addresses and workshops that ignite passion and drive in your audience.

Personalized Coaching

One-on-one sessions tailored to help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Team Building Workshops

Interactive workshops designed to foster teamwork, enhance communication, and boost overall team performance.


Strategic consulting to help organizations implement effective change management and performance improvement strategies.

Then vs Now

From Olympic rings to boardroom things, follow GCBU’s incredible transformation. Discover how embracing discomfort turned Bob Molle from a champion on the field to a legend in personal growth and professional coaching. This journey isn’t just about the medals won but the battles fought and lessons learned along the way.”

The Philosophy Behind GCBU

Why settle for ordinary when you can be extraordinary? GCBU believes that real growth happens outside your comfort zone. By embracing discomfort, you unlock new levels of potential and achieve results you never thought possible. It’s not just a philosophy; it’s a way of life!



Meet Bob Molle, the man who took discomfort by the horns and wrestled it into submission. An Olympic silver medalist and two-time Grey Cup champion, Bob is now your go-to guru for mastering the art of getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. His unique blend of humor, grit, and wisdom makes him the perfect guide for your journey to greatness.”

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